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Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
It's Here BoSox Fans, Truck Day!
Sometime around noon today, a large equipment van will slowly pull away from Fenway Park on a nearly 1,500-mile journey to Fort Myers. Yes, it is finally here—Truck Day. Forget about the first robin being spotted in some bog on Nantucket, this is the official start of Spring in New England. Bats, balls, gloves, ace bandages, they're all being transported to that land of eternal optimism—Florida. And our special little holiday is pure Boston, right?
Not so fast! Now we get word that a half a dozen or so other MLB teams are horning in on this previously exclusive Boston ritual. Kind of like when the Mets tried to use Sweet Caroline to get their moribund fans to root for that fiasco in Flushing. It didn't work. You can't copy genuine spontaneity. And you can't fake like you have a good team. Something tells me that Truck Day for the Mets, Cubs, Indians and Royals will not quite capture the magic that happens every year along Yawkey Way. Don't worry, Boston. Truck Day will always be ours. And ours alone.
Posted by Ernie Paicopolos at 9:26 AM